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  • Dream Tree

    Dream Tree for Kids

The Greenbrier will be holding its “Dream Tree for Kids” holiday gift drive for the 14th straight year in 2024. The annual charitable campaign will donate more than $1 million in toys to local and national charities.

The “Dream Tree for Kids” project is the brainchild of the Justice family, which was inspired to help the community and beyond celebrate the season by ensuring that children wake up on Christmas morning with at least one gift to unwrap.

“For well over a decade now, this project has been going strong. We couldn’t be more proud of the impact the project has made on kids across the region and their families that get to enjoy their smiles,” said Dr. Jill Justice, President of The Greenbrier. “To hear the stories of the children who receive the gifts touches the hearts of everyone involved. It has become part of the holiday tradition at The Greenbrier, and it wouldn’t be the Christmas season without it.”

All gifts and proceeds from the “Dream Tree for Kids” drive will go toward the purchase of toys for children in need.

“It’s really difficult to comprehend how many children wouldn’t have a present to open if not for this project,” said a past Dream Tree participating organization. “The kids light up brighter than the tree when they see these presents, and the impact that it has on the parents is incredible.”

Charitable Organizations

To register a charitable organization with 501(c)(3) status to be a recipient of gifts from the 2024 Dream Tree, please print the downloadable “2024 Registration Form” from this website. Registration packets must be completed in full and post marked by August 30, 2024 in order to be considered.

2024 Registration Form – Form 8283

Important Dates to Remember

August 30, 2024: Registration packets must be completed in full and post marked by this date to be considered.

September 20, 2024: Organizations will be notified via e-mail the number of gifts they have been selected to receive from the project and a time for pick-up.

December 5, 2024: Gifts will be distributed.

For More Information

– call –

+1 844-837-2466